Travel deals Transylvia Romania

Travel deals Transylvia Romania

“Casa Careel”                                                    Travel deals Transylvania 

Casa Careel      DSC05535

Discover, Experience and Understand.


Sylvaticus Travels & Tours,

Is een jong bedrijf die vakanties naar allerlei verschillende Oost Europese en Aziatische landen organiseert en gaat organiseren.

Het bedrijf wordt door Bas Douma gerund. Hij heeft een brede interesse op het gebied van natuur, cultuur en alles wat daarmee verbonden is. Ook organiseert Sylvaticus Travels & Tours een vakantiereis in Roemenië in Cluj-Napoca en voornamelijk in het dorp Tranisu. Dit is een programma van tien dagen lang en geeft u een goed idee van de interessante cultuur en het natuurschoon die in dit gedeelte van Roemenië aanwezig is. Hieronder is een overzicht te zien wat u tijdens deze reis gaat zien en doen (onder voorbehoud).

Mocht u behoefte hebben aan meer informatie, dan kunt u Bas Douma e-mailen via: (Dit kan nog veranderen in een officieel emailadres in december)

On day one you will travel to Romania on your own, to Cluj-Napoca. There you will be welcomed warmly by your tour guide (Bas Douma) in a (later determined) restaurant. From there, you will move to a three stars hotel in which you will stay the first two nights. There will not be any evening programme, which gives you the possibility to discover the city a bit and/or to settle down in the hotel.


On day one you will travel to Romania on your own, to Cluj-Napoca. There you will be welcomed warmly by your tour guide (Bas Douma) in a (later determined) restaurant. From there, you will move to a three stars hotel in which you will stay the first two nights. There will not be any evening programme, which gives you the possibility to discover.

BBQ met Jos en Joy 2015  Prieel "Casa Careel"

On day three you will travel to the village Tranisu in which you will stay until day six. You will go to this village by train (local transport). On the way the travel group will pass a certain amount of towns and other interesting highlights about which you will get some information. You will arrive at the train station Valea Draganului (the name of the valley in which the village is situated) and you will visit a market in a town. At this market you have the possibility to buy certain fruits, vegetables, herbs, sweets and other products which you like. After visiting this market, you will continue your nine kilometers long walk towards the accommodation in which you will stay. After arriving there, there is a free schedule in which you can lunch, settle down, relax and prepare for the next day. In the evening there will a meeting to talk about the schedule of tomorrow.

Traditionele kleding Tranisu



Day four will be a hiking day. This day there will be a hike to the agrarian village Tranisu. While this hike the agrarian village culture which is present in this part of Romania will be the main topic while this hike of thirteen kilometers. This hike will cover the entire day. After arriving back at the accommodation there will be a short meeting about the schedule of next day. It will be dinner time and after dinner there is not any activity scheduled.

Eugen Negru

While day five you will apply a permaculture workshop and put it into practice afterwards. You will get information while the workshop. After you will gather ingredients for the traditional BBQ that will happen in the evening. After the BBQ there will be a bonfire.

Cursus en workshops  Ruïne Bologa

Day six will be a hiking day again. At this day you will make a hike of thirteen kilometers. While this hike you can experience the agrarian live on the countryside outside the villages and there will also be a chance to check out the regional nature better. We will return in the late afternoon, in which you can relax, as well as in the evening.

Het melken van de schapen in Tranisu.

At day seven you will return to Cluj-Napoca by train. You will walk back to the train station (9 kilometers). The arriving time in Cluj-Napoca will be while the beginning of the afternoon. While the afternoon there is a possibility to visit a few more museums. We will finish our travels with a meeting with nice food and drinks together in the evening.

Day eight is the day that you will leave Romania and be happy about the wonderful travel you just completed.

Traditionelemarkt in Cluj-Napoca  Traditioneel Transylvaans eten

To get more information, visit the website of Sylvaticus Travels & Tours (, the Facebook page (, or send an email to


The price indication is €650 – €750 (tax included).


  • all accommodations,
  • all entree fees,
  • all the transport while the holiday trip, except transport on day one and day eight,
  • all guides.


  • the travel to/from Romania,
  • personal expenses,
  • all meals (with the exception of breakfast at day two and eight and the BBQ),


Travelers’ profile:


  • go for walks regularly, have a good stamina and are able to walk fifteen kilometers per day in a hilly landscape with your backpack;
  • like to experience different cultures, adapt easily and can deal with sudden changing situations;
  • are interested in local (agricultural) culture and/or forested, mountainous landscapes with occasionally steep trails;
  • can deal with limited comfort and are willing to sleep in rooms with unknown travelers.


Guide’s profile:


  • has knowledge of nature and the local culture;
  • is able to communicate with you in an advanced level about different topics and speaks Dutch (mother language), English (advanced), Spanish (intermediate), German (intermediate) and Romanian (basic knowledge);
  • knows Cluj-Napoca and the region of Tranisu well;
  • is able to offer you a general view of the area where you will be with this trip.







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Gliding in Valea Draganului








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